What is executive coaching?

The healthcare landscape is changing every day. Healthcare innovation, the power of consumer choice, telemedicine, mergers and acquisitions, electronic health records, new reimbursement models, privacy and security concerns, the Affordable Care Act – these are just some of the changes we see in healthcare today.

Exceptional leaders are needed now, more than ever, at every level of the healthcare organization. To succeed and excel, healthcare systems must be nimble and respond quickly to change. This means their leaders must meet the challenges of driving success while fulfilling a variety of new demands from their executive leaders, medical staff, and patients. Executives must navigate newly matrixed structures, often into new roles that are not clearly defined. The best and brightest are offered promotions, that perhaps they don’t even want. Physicians become administrators. Nurses become hospital presidents and mergers create overlapping structures, leaving executives uncertain.

Executive coaching provides individuals with a neutral, nonjudgmental sounding board to help them navigate the choppy waters of a new job. The demands and challenges in healthcare environments today are complex, and having someone you trust, who will become your advisor and confidant, can make the difference between a successful first 90 days and an unsuccessful start in a new position.

In complex environments, having someone you trust can make a difference